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Grand Square (Piaţa Mare) is the best place to start exploring Sibiu’s historic city center. It’s the largest and most important square in town.

Grand Square in Sibiu, Romania
Grand Square
Grand Square in Sibiu, Romania
Grand Square

The square dates back to a 14th century cereal market. It now contains many interesting buildings and has a few outdoor cafés and restaurants on it. In German, it was known as Großer Ring.

Grand Square in Sibiu, Romania
Grand Square
Looking north at Grand Square in Sibiu, Romania
Looking north


Council Tower

Council Tower (Turnul Sfatului) sits high above the square. It costs 2 lei (as of February 2025) to climb up to the top for a great view of the entire town.

Council Tower in Sibiu, Romania
Council Tower
View from Council Tower in Sibiu, Romania
View from Council Tower
Grand Square from Council Tower in Sibiu, Romania
Grand Square from Council Tower
Huet Square from Council Tower in Sibiu, Romania
Huet Square from Council Tower

The tower connects Grand Square and a smaller square, Lesser Square (Piaţa Mică).

Lesser Square from Council Tower in Sibiu, Romania
Lesser Square from Council Tower


Important Buildings

There are a lot of important buildings on Lesser Square. The impressive City Hall, which is located in the former Banca Agricola building, and the adjacent Holy Trinity Catholic Church sit next to Council Tower. The church was built in 1726 after Sibiu was left without a Catholic church for over 100 years of Reform.

Banca Agricola in Sibiu, Romania
Banca Agricola
Banca Agricola (left) and Holy Trinity Catholic Church (right) in Sibiu, Romania
Banca Agricola (left) and Holy Trinity Catholic Church (right)
Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Sibiu, Romania
Holy Trinity Catholic Church

The Brukenthal Palace sits across from City Hall. It once housed the palace of Habsburg governor Samuel von Brukenthal and was built in 1790. Currently, it’s the oldest and best art galleries in the country, the European Art Gallery of the Brukenthal National Museum. The museum was founded in 1817. Admission is 50 lei for adults, 25 lei for seniors, and 12.50 lei for kids and students (as of February 2025). It’s open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

Brukenthal Palace in Sibiu, Romania
Brukenthal Palace
Brukenthal Palace in Sibiu, Romania
Brukenthal Palace
Inner courtyard of Brukenthal Palace in Sibiu, Romania
Inner courtyard

Other buildings include the Hecht House (1456), which was used as a mint, and the General’s House (1779), home of the General Commander of Transylvania.

Hecht House (left) and General’s House (right) in Sibiu, Romania
Hecht House (left) and General’s House (right)

Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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