Boulder, Colorado, a city not too far from Denver, is a great place that appealed to me the second I arrived. It’s got just about everything – a nice downtown, friendly people, great food, entertainment, sports, and nature. I couldn’t say enough good things about it.
The 2015 Stanley Cup Finals. I always pick the perfect time to come home, don’t I?
East of Michigan Avenue is Grant Park, nicknamed “Chicago’s Front Yard”. It’s a large park with smaller sections that have been developed into other popular parks.
If you’re into history, especially Panama Canal history or American history, the Balboa area of Panama City has some interesting sites.
One of the oldest towns in Colombia, Anserma doesn’t offer much for tourists, but it’s an authentic coffee town. It’s part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
The Promenade of the Naval Heroes (Paseo de los Héroes Navales) is located a few blocks south of Plaza San Martín in the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center of Lima. It’s a long park filled with sculptures, bushes, and flowers.
This is my World Cup 2014 experience wrap-up:
Best Moment:
Greece beating Ivory Coast and celebrating with the fans after the game in Fortaleza.
Worst Moment:
The first goal in Greece’s opening game against Colombia in Belo Horizonte.
Best Stadium:
Maracanã. I didn’t actually attend a game at the famous Rio de Janeiro stadium, but I was able to visit. I had chills the entire time. Natal’s Arena das Dunas is my runner-up. It was a beautiful venue to watch a game.
Best Food:
São Paulo. Lots of variety and everything we ate was delicious.
Worst Food:
Búzios. Tourist trap restaurants and overall bad quality food.
Best City:
Rio de Janeiro. Beautiful scenery, great beaches, and lots to see and do.
Worst City:
São Paulo. I was disappointed. I expected a lot more from such a big city.
Most Organized City:
Least Organized City:
Best Fans:
Colombia. Friendly, energetic, and fun. Runner-up is Iran. I met a large group at the airport after they had been eliminated and all were very nice to talk to and upbeat.
Worst Fans:
I might be criticized for this but I don’t care – USA. I didn’t like our behavior at World Cup 2014, and maybe because I could understand everything they were saying. Arrogance and lack of sportsmanship were an unfortunate common theme from my fellow American fans. It was embarrassing to hear another American telling opposing fans that their country sucks. Not the team, the country. Runner-up is Brazil. Again – arrogance, lack of respect, and their sense of entitlement.
And because I’m a guy…
Most Beautiful Female Fans:
Colombia. I couldn’t concentrate on the game. It was a great distraction. Happy to be moving there. Runners-up: Mexico, Iran, Belgium and Netherlands. Not necessarily in that order.
Least Beautiful Female Fans:
USA. Yeah, again, I’ll be criticized. I held us to a much higher standard. Runners-up: Australia, Spain, Bosnia, and South Korea. I’m excluding Algeria from my selection because I don’t think they brought any female fans.
Greece vs Ivory Coast. I held my Greek flag over my head in disbelief and shock at what just happened. Here’s a guy I’d been cussing out for the past two hours – no, two weeks!!! – lining up to take a penalty that could launch Greece into the Round of 16 at the World Cup Finals – further than Greece has ever gone before.