JL Mercer Boot Company is a custom boot maker based in San Angelo, Texas. We were fortunate to get a behind the scenes look during our visit.
Crossing the border to spend time in the small village of Boquillas del Carmen in Mexico is one of the highlights of visiting Big Bend National Park in Texas.
The historic city center of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, is just a short walk across the bridge from El Paso, Texas. We decided to cross over and spend a few hours checking it out.
Socorro is a small city in Texas on the banks of the Rio Grande, just southeast of El Paso. It’s also a stop on the El Paso Mission Trail.
The Ysleta Mission is the oldest Spanish mission church in the state of Texas. It’s located within the city limits of El Paso in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and is part of the El Paso Mission Trail.
Petroglyph National Monument protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America. It’s located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The Coronado Historic Site in Bernalillo, New Mexico, preserves the ruins of the Kuaua Pueblo. It sits 16 miles north of Albuquerque along the west bank of the Rio Grande.
The Philmont Scout Ranch is the largest scout ranch in the world. It’s located a few miles south of Cimarron, New Mexico, and is owned by Boy Scouts of America. We drove by while traveling from Cimarron to Fort Union National Monument.
The D. H. Lawrence Ranch was the New Mexico residence of English novelist D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) for a total of 11 months in the 1920s. It’s located about 20 miles north of Taos in the Carson National Forest.
Taos Pueblo is a Native American community just outside Taos, New Mexico. It has been continuously inhabited for over 1,000 years and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.