


The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) is one of Istanbul’s treasures. Standing nine stories and almost 67 meters high, this structure was the tallest in Constantinople when it was built. It sits in a square in the Beyoğlu district surrounded by stores and restaurants.

There are probably as many English schools in Istanbul as there are Starbucks in New York. Depending on whether you work for a private English school, public or private university, high school, or primary school, or in the corporate world, you will have a different experience as a teacher. For first-time teachers or even experienced ones, I hope to shed some light on the Istanbul teaching scene. In this post, we will look at the normal everyday run-of-the-mill English school.

Florya is a neighborhood in Istanbul with a nice quiet seaside park area and a beach. It’s one of the few beaches in Istanbul I would actually feel comfortable swimming at. There are a couple highlights worth visiting if you have extra time, but no must-sees.