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Visitors to Madrid can find the Arab Walls (Muralla Árabe), which is a surviving section of the old Muslim walls of the city. They’re located just outside the entrance to the crypt of the Almudena Cathedral.

Muralla Árabe in Madrid, Spain
Arab Walls
Muralla Árabe in Madrid, Spain
The walls from the side


Emir Mohamed I Park

The walls make up a section of Emir Mohamed I Park (Parque del Emir Mohamed I), named for Muhammad I of Córdoba. He’s credited with founding Madrid.

Parque del Emir Mohamed I in Madrid, Spain
Emir Mohamed I Park

The park has always been closed when I walked by, but you can easily see the walls and park from the outside. You can also get excellent views of the park from the rooftop terrace of the Almudena Cathedral.

Emir Mohamed I Park from the Almudena Cathedral rooftop terrace
Emir Mohamed I Park from the Almudena Cathedral rooftop terrace


Segovia Bridge

I checked out a few things near the walls. First, to the west is Athens Park (Parque de Atenas), which I briefly walked through to get to the Segovia Bridge (Puente de Segovia). This bridge was built between 1582 and 1584 under King Felipe II. It was designed by Juan de Herrera and has nine spans over the Manzanares River (Río Manzanares).

Parque de Atenas in Madrid, Spain
Athens Park
Puente de Segovia in Madrid, Spain
Segovia Bridge

Finally, just south of Emir Mohamed I Park is the Arab Walls Garden (Jardín Muralla Árabe). It’s a nice green space but has nothing to do with the walls.

Jardín Muralla Árabe in Madrid, Spain
Arab Walls Garden


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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