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I’m very proud to have had my photo Sunset in Búzios selected by Rough Guides for their feature “23 Brilliant Pictures of Brazil”. It features the Three Fishermen (Três Pescadores) monument.
The link to the photo feature is no longer available, but I will always remember being selected. It’s a great honor to have been chosen from a pool of thousands of very deserving photos on Picfair.
Other Photos
Along with Sunset in Búzios, I’ve previously had a photo of a door in Meknes, Morocco, featured, and sold a few photos from Peru and Istanbul. I’m obviously not a professional photographer, but it’s encouraging to have my work recognized by others who think highly enough of it to feature it in publications or purchase it for their own use.
Wherever I go, I almost always take my camera. These small honors definitely keep me focused when I travel. Although most of the time I take simple snapshots and don’t always pay attention to light and other factors, once in a while I find an incredible shot. When these shots come along, I try to capture the best images possible, not only for this website but for others to enjoy as well.