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Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas, contains artifacts related to the lives Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) and Lady Bird Johnson (1912-2007) at the White House.


The White House Years

As soon as you get off the elevator is an exhibition focusing on LBJ’s time in the White House. To the right is a gallery filled with gifts presented to President and Mrs. Johnson from world leaders and other Americans. There are also boots and hats worn by the First Couple at the LBJ Ranch, also known as the Texas White House.

The White House Years
Head of State Gifts


Oval Office

Next is a ⅞ replica of the Oval Office. It looks exactly as it did when Johnson was President. Highlights include the sitting area with a portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) above the fireplace. FDR was Johnson’s inspiration to serve the public.

Entrance to the Oval Office
Oval Office on Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas
Oval Office
Sitting area in the Oval Office on Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas
Sitting area

The desk was used by Johnson from his days in the Senate throughout his years in the Oval Office. Next to it are three televisions LBJ used to keep up on the news.

LBJ's desk in the Oval Office on Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas
LBJ’s desk


First Lady’s Gallery

The next section of Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library is the First Lady’s Gallery. It’s dedicated to Lady Bird Johnson and contains photos as well as several important artifacts. Clothing worn by Mrs. Johnson, including an evening gown worn on November 1, 1967, for the state visit of King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1920-1972) of Nepal, is on display. There’s also a set of china used at various state dinners.

First Lady's Gallery on Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas
First Lady’s Gallery
Evening gown
White House china


Lady Bird Johnson’s Office

Finally, a replica of Lady Bird’s office sits at the end of Floor 10. She worked tirelessly as a humanitarian, environmentalist, and unofficial diplomat from this office at the LBJ Presidential Library for many years. The exhibit opened in 1998 and is in the exact same state as Mrs. Johnson left on on the day it was donated, including her papers and family photos.

Lady Bird's Office on Floor 10 of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas
Lady Bird’s Office


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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