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Just south of the uninteresting town of Cayambe is Quitsato. This marker, built in 2006, claims to be the only tourist location exactly on the equator, within a 1mm margin of error according to GPS and GNSS equipment.
For US$5 (as of March 2024), you can get a quick explanation about the non-profit Quitsato Project and why it was carried out. The marker itself is actually a sundial surrounded by large markings on the ground. (Note: In March 2022, the Solar Museum opened at the site and is included in the admission fees.)

Stone Globe
Across the road is another small spot that claims to be on the equator. It is a large stone globe with a line running under it.
The True Equator?
According to a local expert, however, the Quitsato sites are not exactly on the equator. The only site he believes that can truly claim this honor is the pre-Inca Catequilla site, which is a hill near La Mitad del Mundo. Is he right? Personally, I believe the Quitsato site is accurate.
Getting There
To get to Cayambe, you can catch a bus from Quito’s Carcelén bus terminal on the north side of the city (about 90 minutes). Buses also leave from Otavalo (45 minutes). Cayambe itself has different bus terminals for each company. I used a company serving Quito and Otavalo.
Once in town, a taxi from Cayambe can take you to Quitsato and the stone globe.
You can also find a taxi to the archaeological site of Cochasquí. Agree on the price and waiting time with your drive before you leave.
Lunch in Cayambe
For lunch, we ate at Bucanero Marisquería. Their specialty is cheap ceviche. It was ok. We shared a bowl of ceviche and a patacón.