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On the morning of the second day of our tour to La Guajira, Pedro woke us up at 5am to start the journey to Punta Gallinas. We were taken from Cabo de la Vela to nearby Puerto Bolívar, an industrial area used for shipping. There really isn’t any reason to be there other than for the boats to Punta Gallinas.

Puerto Bolívar, La Guajira, Colombia
Puerto Bolívar


Boat to Punta Gallinas

Once at Puerto Bolívar, we hopped into small speedboats for transport to Punta Gallinas. It was a long and choppy ride. It was very uncomfortable, very windy, and very wet. Water was splashing into the boat when we crashed down onto the waves, but thankfully our bags were protected with a plastic tarp.

We reached a small piece of land jutting out into the sea and the boat turned right to take us down a small inlet, navigating around some mangrove trees. When we arrived, men started unloading the boat. We carried our backpacks up some stone steps to a plateau with an incredible view of the inlet.


Arrival at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Arrival at Punta Gallinas
Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Punta Gallinas


Hospedaje Alexandra

Once at the top, we were greeted by the Wayúu hosts of Hospedaje Alexandra and shown our accommodation for the next two nights. We had a choice of hammocks or small cabins for an extra cost. We chose the cabins. They were quite simple but equipped with an important luxury – a bathroom with running water and a shower.

Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Hospedaje Alexandra
Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Hospedaje Alexandra

The small village next to the hotel had some modest homes inhabited by the Wayúu, a basketball court that looked very much out of place, and a small chapel.

Chapel at Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Chapel at Hospedaje Alexandra


View of Hondita Bay

After a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, arepa, and fruit, we left the village and began our first tour of the day. We made a quick stop at a cliff to get a unique view of Hondita Bay (Bahía Hondita), a small bay with immense natural beauty.

Bahía Hondita at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Hondita Bay

On the other side of the cliff was one of the most interesting football fields I had ever seen. It was on a flat parcel of land with rocks used to mark the sidelines, and two small wooden goals with nets. I couldn’t imagine playing on this field in the extreme desert heat and the wind that was blowing from seemingly every direction.

Desert football field at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Desert football field

During the next part of the ride we were treated to an incredible desert landscape. At times, it seemed like we were very far away from civilization but there were always random people walking or biking through the desert. We were told many of them walk several kilometers in the intense heat to go from one house or village to the next.

Wayúu people walking to the next village at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Wayúu people walking to the next village
The desert landscape at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
The desert landscape of Punta Gallinas


Wayúu Home

Next, we made a quick stop at a Wayúu home and met the residents. We were able to visit the home and their kitchen, which was in a separate building.

Wayúu home at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Wayúu home
Marisol with a Wayúu family at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Marisol with a Wayúu family



Continuing along, we stopped at Punta Gallinas Lighthouse (Faro Punta Gallinas). It was built in 1989 and sits at the northernmost point of Colombia and the continent of South America.

Faro Punta Gallinas at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia

The wall on the small empty building next to the lighthouse made the significance of this geographical spot quite clear (in Spanish).

Faro Punta Gallinas at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia

From there, we made another stop to see a panoramic view of Hondita Bay.

Bahía Hondita at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Hondita Bay


Taroa Dunes

Then it was the absolute highlight of the day, the Taroa Dunes (Dunas de Taroa). These tall sand dunes seemed to go on forever, but once at the top, it was a steep drop to one of the most scenic beaches you could imagine. It wasn’t safe to swim, but we had the entire beach to ourselves. We took a long walk to the far end of the beach and sat in a small natural pool until it was time to leave.

Dunas de Taroa at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Taroa Dunes
Dunas de Taroa at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Taroa Dunes


Sea Turtle Sanctuary

On the way back to the hostel, we stopped at a sea turtle sanctuary. The area was inland and the turtles were just babies kept in buckets until they were old enough to release. The man in charge of the program explained how the turtles were collected and cared for.

Turtle sanctuary at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Turtle sanctuary


Hondita Bay

After a short rest, we boarded a boat to take us into Hondita Bay to see the flamingos as the sun was setting. First, we went through the mangrove trees.

Mangrove trees at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Mangrove trees

The captain took us to a spot he knew the flamingos gathered every day at the exact same time. We got close enough until they all flew away.

Flamingos on Bahía Hondita at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Flamingos on Bahía Hondita at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia

On the way back to the village, we found ourselves on the open bay facing a gorgeous golden sunset.

Bahía Hondita at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia


Lobster Dinner

We capped off the evening with a delicious lobster dinner. Two lobsters for a fraction of what it would cost anywhere else!

Lobster dinner at Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Lobster dinner


Red Cross and UN Presentation

The next morning, which was the third day of the tour to La Guajira, was very relaxed. In the morning after breakfast, there was a special program put on by visiting Red Cross and United Nations staff for the Wayúu children. Many of the children walked over an hour in the desert with their families to attend and all were given Christmas gifts.

Red Cross / UN Presentation at Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Red Cross / UN Presentation
Wayúu children at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Wayúu children


After the presentation, the Wayúu villagers put on a dance presentation for their visitors. They dressed in traditional costumes and even invited guests to participate. I was chosen and did a terrible job “dancing”. Thankfully, no video exists!

Wayúu dance exhibition at Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Wayúu dance exhibition
Wayúu dance exhibition at Hospedaje Alexandra at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Wayúu dance exhibition


Punta Aguja

In the afternoon, Marisol and I were taken by boat to Punta Aguja, a small deserted beach not too far from the village. We relaxed in hammocks for a couple hours and took an occasional dip in the sea. We then walked back to the village before dark. It was an easy half hour walk.

Punta Aguja at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Punta Aguja


Goodbye, Punta Gallinas

We had one final dinner with Pedro and our new Wayúu friend, Karelbis, before gazing at the clear night sky filled with bright beautiful stars. We went to bed around 9pm for an early wake up the next day and our return boat ride to Cabo de la Vela.

Punta Gallinas was easily the highlight of the tour with its unique desert landscape. We will also never forget the hospitality of our Wayúu hosts. I have to admit it was tough to leave the place. It was a slice of paradise.

Me, Karelbis, and Marisol at Punta Gallinas, La Guajira, Colombia
Me, Karelbis, and Marisol


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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