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After an uncomfortable overnight bus ride from Hurghada, we arrived back at the Oasis Hotel in Cairo, the first hotel on the tour, at around 7am. I went straight to my room and fell asleep for a few hours before our tour of UNESCO World Heritage listed Historic Cairo. The group met in the lobby at 9am and were gathered together by Bishoy, the same guide who took me to Dahshur and Memphis.


Demonstration, again?

Our first stop for the day was a perfume shop for yet another “demonstration”. I was sick of these “demonstrations” by now, but the owner of the shop was actually entertaining. I sat and watched while everyone finished their shopping.


Egyptian Museum

Next, we went to one of the highlights of the tour, the Egyptian Museum at Tahrir Square. This is where thousands upon thousands of Egyptian antiquities are on display for the public. It was here where my trip to Egypt came full circle – finally seeing treasures and mummies from all of the places I had visited on the tour.

The museum itself is housed in a very fine pink building built in 1900. The gardens in front of the entrance are a pleasant place to walk around. Admission for foreigners is E£450 for adults, E£230 for students, and free for children under 6 (as of November 2024). Photos are allowed with cell phones only.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Museum
Egyptian Museum garden in Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Museum garden
Sculpture in the Egyptian Museum garden in Cairo, Egypt
Sculpture in the Egyptian Museum garden

Of course, the crown jewel of the museum is the collection of King Tutankhamon. The mask and jewelry and artifacts on display were beyond my imagination. Also interesting is the mummy room, where I was able to come face to face with several Egyptian pharaohs. For me, looking at Ramses II was an amazing experience. His hair was still intact and he looked just as intimidating in death as I’m sure he did in life.

The Egyptian Museum will be replaced by the Grand Egyptian Museum, which is partially open to the public. At this time, you can see 12 exhibition halls, the Grand Hall, Grand Staircase, and exterior gardens. The Tutankhamun and Salar Boat galleries are closed to the public until the official opening. Admission for foreigners is E£1,200 for adults; E£600 for kids age 4-12 and students age 13-21 with a valid ID; and free for children under 6 (as of November 2024). It’s located 2 kilometers from the Pyramids of Giza.


National Democratic Party HQ

Next to the museum is the burned-out former headquarters of Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party. It was torched during the Egyptian Revolution in January 2011.

Scars of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 in Cairo, Egypt
Scars of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011


Passport Drama

We headed off to lunch at a “traditional” Egyptian restaurant. There was nothing traditional about it. It was no different than the crappy food we got at the resort in Hurghada. As lunch was finishing up, Ana, the Colombian in the group, lost her passport. We searched the restaurant and vehicle up and down, but no luck.

As a group, we decided to skip our visit to the Citadel and head back to the Egyptian Museum for another passport search there. We waited and waited. The passport wasn’t at the museum, so Bishoy called the hotel to have someone search her room. A good 45 minutes went by when we got the good news – they found her passport in a bag in her hotel room. Tension aside, drama over, we headed to Coptic Cairo for a tour of the Hanging Church.


Khan el-Khalili

Our final stop of the day was the famous Khan el-Khalili bazaar. Well, sort of. We didn’t actually go into the bazaar, but rather a side street where locals shop. I helped some of the group get some bargains on scarves and a hookah, and then we sat down at a cafe in the shadow of the Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque to smoke some hookah and have some fruit drinks.

Shopping outside the bazaar in Cairo, Egypt
Shopping outside the bazaar
The place where we had juice and hookah in Cairo, Egypt
The place where we had juice and hookah
Me and Bishoy smoking hookah in Cairo, Egypt
Me and Bishoy smoking hookah


Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque

The Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque is the holiest mosque in Egypt. It holds the head of Al-Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. The original mosque was built in 1154 but this one was built in 1870. Non-Muslims are forbidden from entering.

Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo, Egypt
Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque
Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo, Egypt
Sayyidna al-Hussein Mosque


Al-Azhar Mosque

In the distance, I was able to spot a part of the Al-Azhar Mosque and the smaller Abu Dahab Mosque. Al-Azhar was the first mosque established in Cairo in 972, although much of it has been rebuilt over the years. Its attached university is the most prestigious in the Islamic world regarding Sunni theology and Islamic law. It’s also the second oldest continuously run university in the world behind the University of Al-Karaouine in Fes, Morocco. The Abu Dahab Mosque next door was built in 1774.

Al-Azhar Mosque (left) and Abu Dahab Mosque (right) in Cairo, Egypt
Al-Azhar Mosque (left) and Abu Dahab Mosque (right)


End of the Tour

After a stressful yet enjoyable day, we made a quick stop at McDonald’s for the group to grab some food before going back to the hotel.

The next morning, I packed up, said my goodbyes to the rest of the group, and got a transfer to the airport. My trip to Egypt was officially over, and I was ready to get back to Istanbul. What a trip it was.


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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