Manizales is one of the three major cities located in Colombia’s Coffee Region and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia. It’s mainly a university city and is home to one of the most important festivals in Colombia, the Manizales Fair (Feria de Manizales), which includes bullfighting events and an international beauty pageant. It also has a slightly more European feel to it than other Colombian cities.
A large town in the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia, Caicedonia is located in the department of Valle del Cauca. It sits only 45 minutes from Armenia.
Alcalá is a small town in the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia. It’s located in the department of Valle del Cauca.
PANACA is an agricultural based theme park in the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia. It features several different species of domesticated animals and many that are exotic to Colombia.
Carondelet Palace (Palacio de Carondelet), the Presidential Palace of Ecuador, sits on the west side of Plaza Grande in Quito’s UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center.
Plaza Grande is the heart of the historic center of Quito, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its official name is Independence Plaza (Plaza de la Independencia). This is where the first calls for Ecuadorean independence were heard in 1809.
There’s a wealth of colonial churches in the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center of Quito. This entry includes all churches we visited in the historic city center except the Metropolitan Cathedral on Plaza Grande.
There are lots of great museums located in the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center of Quito, Ecuador. Some are historical sites and homes while others display art and artifacts.
There are a few points of interest in the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center of Quito, Ecuador, that aren’t museums or churches. This entry talks about a small handful them.
The Basilica of the National Vow (Basílica del Voto Nacional), a huge church built in 1926, is located in the UNESCO World Heritage listed historic city center of Quito. It’s the largest neo-Gothic church in the Americas.