The ruins of the Pinery, a stagecoach station, are located within Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas. They sit near the Pine Springs Visitor Center and are surrounded by wonderful natural scenery.
Smith Spring Trail is a loop trail at Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas. The trailhead is located at Frijole Ranch.
White Sands National Park is an amazing place to spend a day. It’s a huge field of white sand dunes located in southern New Mexico.
Petroglyph National Monument protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America. It’s located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Alcove House Trail is a short trail at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. It’s one mile long round-trip and is accessed at the halfway point of the Main Loop Trail.
The Main Loop Trail at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico takes visitors to the most accessible archaeological sites at the park. It’s 1.2 miles long and fairly easy.
Casa Rinconcada is an Ancestral Puebloan archaeological site at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s located on the nine-mile loop road through the park about six miles from the visitor center.
Pueblo del Arroyo is an Ancestral Puebloan great house at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s located on a short dead-end road off the nine-mile loop drive, just past Pueblo Bonito. The site is 5 ½ miles from the visitor center.
Chetro Ketl is an Ancestral Puebloan great house at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s the second great house on the nine-mile loop road through the park.
Hungo Pavi is an Ancestral Puebloan great house at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s the first great house on the nine-mile loop road in the park, and is two miles from the visitor center.