Christkindlmarket is one of the most popular holiday events in Chicago. Held annually, it typically runs daily from mid-November to December 24.
Detroit is one of the great American cities. It’s the largest city in Michigan and one of the most important industrial and cultural hubs in the country.
The town of Santuario, nestled in the mountains of the Risaralda department, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Coffee Region of Colombia.
The Christian Quarter makes up the northwest quadrant of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Old City of Jerusalem.
Mount Zion is a hill southwest of the Old City of Jerusalem. It contains three important religious sites.
The Monastery of the Life-giving Spring (Μονή της Ζωοδόχου Πηγής Μπαλουκλή / Balıklı Meryem Ana Rum Manastiri) is one of the most important Orthodox Christian pilgrimage sites in Istanbul, Turkey. It sits outside the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople in the Balıklı area of the Zeytinburnu district.
Ayvansaray is a colorful neighborhood on the Golden Horn in Istanbul. It’s located at the northwest corner of the Fatih district, bordered by Balat and Edirnekapı to the south and the Eyüp district to the west.