The unassuming town of Aguadas, one of Colombia’s prestigious Heritage Towns (Pueblos Patrimonio), has contributed a lot to the country’s culture.
Nestled between the Colombian Heritage Towns (Pueblos Patrimonio) of Salamina and Aguadas is the small town of Pácora.
San Félix is a village belonging to the municipality of Salamina in the Coffee Region of Colombia. It boasts a beautiful landscape featuring the world’s largest wax palm forest.
Salamina is one of the most beautiful towns in the Coffee Region of Colombia. It’s also one of Colombia’s Heritage Towns (Pueblos Patrimonio).
La Merced is a small coffee producing town in the Caldas department of Colombia. The town is included in the UNESCO World Heritage listing for the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
Filandia is one of the best towns to visit in the Coffee Region of Colombia. It’s become quite the tourist hotspot over the years and has many colorful buildings all over town. Filandia, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia, boldly refers to itself as “the most beautiful town in Quindío”, much to the chagrin of its rival town, nearby Salento.
Belalcázar is a town in the Caldas department of Colombia. It’s located up on a high ridge in the mountains and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
Umbría Valley, located halfway between Belén de Umbría and Mistrató in the department of Risaralda, Colombia, has a couple places to visit.
Santa Rosa de Cabal is famous all over Colombia for two things – chorizo and hot springs. Both are worth the trip! Santa Rosa is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
The magical Cocora Valley is the home of Colombia’s national tree and symbol, the wax palm. This tall endangered palm dots the landscape of this extension to Los Nevados National Park, which is a popular day trip from nearby Salento.