The small coffee producing town of La Celia is located in the mountains of Colombia’s department of Risaralda. It’s part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
Ansermanuevo is a town in the north of the department of Valle del Cauca in Colombia. It has very little touristic value, although the town’s rural areas are included in the UNESCO World Heritage listing for the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
El Águila is a tiny coffee producing town in the northernmost tip of the department of Valle del Cauca. It has very little of interest to tourists, although it’s included in the UNESCO World Heritage listing for the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
Ecohotel Spa Caucayá is located in Caucayá, a small rural area outside the town of Belén de Umbría. It sits within the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
La Dorada sits along the Magdalena River in the Caldas department of Colombia. It’s the second most important city in the department after Manizales.
Marsella is a town in the Coffee Region of Colombia and part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia.
The small town of Palestina, located in Colombia’s Coffee Region, sits on a ridge with beautiful views in every direction.
Arauca is a small coffee town in the department of Caldas, Colombia. It belongs to the municipality of Palestina, which is in the Coffee Region.