
Coffee Region of Colombia


Manizales is one of the three major cities located in Colombia’s Coffee Region and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia. It’s mainly a university city and is home to one of the most important festivals in Colombia, the Manizales Fair (Feria de Manizales), which includes bullfighting events and an international beauty pageant. It also has a slightly more European feel to it than other Colombian cities.

All my life I’ve been used to jam packed churches for Greek Orthodox Easter, no matter where I’ve lived. In Northwest Indiana and Chicago, the churches are so full it’s nearly impossible to find a spot if you don’t show up super early. It was the same in Melbourne and Istanbul where I even had to stand outside of the church. In all these places, the familiar smell of burnt hair from someone’s stray candle was always in the air. This Easter, my first in Colombia, was completely different.