Welcome to Nomadic Niko! This is a brief introduction to my website and suggestions on how to navigate it.
Introduction to Nomadic Niko
I’ve been running this site since my first ever post in July 2013. I live in Colombia with my wife, Marisol. We own a boutique travel company called Paisadventure, offering affordable private tailor-made tours for small groups and families. We specialize in Colombia and offer tours in several other countries such as Greece, Turkey, the United States, Spain, Italy, Armenia, Georgia, and many more. In addition, we organize large open-group tours as well as Holy Land pilgrimages.
My Goal
Everyone has their own travel style, whether they like to go with the flow and take their time, hit the ground running and make detailed plans to experience as much as possible, or jump on a guided tour to hit the highlights only. There’s no wrong way to experience your destination (I have different opinions on all-inclusives and cruises, but that’s for another day).
No matter how you travel, with Nomadic Niko, my goal is to inspire you to explore a little more and to dig a little deeper into your travel destination. For every place I travel, I try to read and learn as much as possible about the destination’s history, culture, food, and more. I also try to talk to the locals and get their perspective on life and where they call home. This has greatly enhanced my travel experience and I want to encourage you to do the same.
What I Write
On this site, I provide sometimes basic and sometimes detailed information for the places I’ve visited on my travels. I often chip in with my opinions and tips as well as a few cultural stories and unique personal experiences. Some of the places I write about are popular destinations while others are way off the beaten path.
All the information I’ve gathered on my pages to pass along to you is taken from a variety of different sources. This includes interpretive panels and brochures directly from the site, official (and unofficial) websites from attractions and destinations, oral histories and information directly from local guides, books, and more. In each post, I include personally made maps, photos I’ve taken at each destination, and links to provide more information.
Finally, I update several select pages on the website on a monthly basis to provide more timely information. This includes admission costs, public transportation fares, and if anything has closed permanently or changed locations. So, I basically update this info at least once a year to keep everything as up to date as possible.
What I Don’t Write
I’m not a professional blogger. I’m definitely not trying to win any creative writing awards or sell books on how to travel the world on $50 a day. I won’t write poignant anecdotes about every place I’ve been. And I definitely won’t write top 10 lists just to get a few extra clicks. If you find my writing style dull and boring, there are plenty of other travel blogs out there willing to entertain you.
How to Navigate this Website
To get started, please select a post from the home page or a country from the menu above. You can also use the search bar if you’re looking for specific content.
Each country and city page acts as an anchor. They include links to my posts about different areas and attractions to explore as well as general info.
I’ve tried to make the site as easy as possible to navigate. For example, on almost every post you’ll find a table of contents you can use to jump to content further down the page, and a “back to top” button to return to the menu (you can also use the back button on your browser).
In most cases, I prefer keeping related content or extensive subjects together rather than breaking things down into several smaller posts. That way, it’s easier for you to find everything you’re looking for in one place instead of having to jump from post to post using several clicks. This might make some posts extremely long, but I’m not expecting you to read everything word for word.
Thanks for visiting – and enjoy!
Important Notes
- I am not compensated for any work I do on this website and all opinions and reviews are my own. The only revenue generated by this website is from the ads you see on each post as well as a few affiliate links. If you click on an affiliate link you’ll receive an offer at no cost to you, unless you decide to make a purchase. And if you make a purchase, I receive a little commission. It’s a win-win for both of us!
- I do not pay for guest posts and do not promote products or services unless I’ve personally used them. Please don’t waste your energy asking me to include your post on my site.
- All photos are mine unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to use any of my photos, it’s simple – just ask! All I ask in return is proper credit and a link to my site.
- I DO NOT and WILL NEVER use AI to write my posts.
- If you decide to subscribe via email, I suggest limiting updates to once a week. You can do this by clicking the “manage subscriptions” button in each email.
What’s New on Nomadic Niko
If you’ve visited my site in the past, you may have noticed a new look. Since September 2023, I’ve been making major changes and updates to improve the overall experience. In fact, I’m restructuring the entire site.
This includes adding a table of contents with “jump to” links on each post, combining multiple shorter posts about the same attraction or location into one long post, and improving overall speed and performance. A handful of posts will be super long, but I would prefer you find everything you’re looking for in one place rather than having to click through several posts or several layers of pages. I hope it’s more helpful that way.
What’s Coming
I’ve got about 10,000 photos to sift through from my trip to Greece and Turkey in October and November 2023. I also have a couple thousand from Armenia in June 2024.
Once I finish those posts, I’ll get back to updating older posts and adding new content for my trip to Israel and the West Bank in November 2022, as well as a few updates and new content for some areas of the US I visited in December and January 2022. I’ll also add new posts from my day in Helsinki and a long weekend in Bogotá.
I’ve still got a decent amount of work to do on Texas to finish up my 3-month 2015 road trip through the western United States. About 90% of the posts from that entire trip are complete, and I hope to finish them by the end of the year. I know – it’s taken me long enough, but hey, I’m only human!
New Posts on Nomadic Niko
- Curaçao
- Etchmiadzin, Armenia
- Zvartnots Cathedral (Armenia)