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The Praetorium, or Prison of Christ, is located in the Muslim Quarter of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Old City of Jerusalem. It’s administered by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and sits along the Via Dolorosa.

Praetorium in Jerusalem

Christians believe Christ was imprisoned at the Praetorium after being taken to Caiaphas and Annas, and is where the mocking and crown of thorns took place. It sits near the Franciscan Monastery of the Flagellation, where part of the Lithostrotos, or Gabbatha, was located. The monastery and school across the street are the sites of the 1st and 2nd Stations of the Via Dolorosa, in which Christ was condemned to death, flogged, and forced to carry the cross. The Ecce Homo speech by Pontius Pilate is also believed to have taken place in the area, where the Church of Ecce Homo and the Convent of the Sisters of Zion now stand.

Praetorium in Jerusalem
Praetorium in Jerusalem



The entrance to the Praetorium leads underground. The main corridor leads to a church and contains signs pointing visitors in the direction of the prisons.

Main corridor


Prison of Barabbas and the Two Thieves

First is the prison of Barabbas and the two thieves. It’s a fairly large room down a few stairs containing rock-cut cells. Barabbas was the prisoner chosen over Jesus by the crowd to be pardoned and released at Pontius Pilate’s Passover feast. The two thieves were the other two men crucified with Jesus.

Prison of Barabbas and the two thieves
Stairs leading down to the prison of Barabbas and the two thieves
Prison of Barabbas and the two thieves


Prison of Christ

The prison of Christ is a very small room with a bench. The bench has two holes cut into it where Christ’s legs were placed. His feet were chained together underneath the bench. A mosaic above the bench depicts Christ dressed in red robes and wearing the crown of thorns, with two angels at his side.

Sign for the prison of Christ at the Praetorium in Jerusalem
Entrance to the prison of Christ
Entrance to the prison of Christ
Prison of Christ at the Praetorium in Jerusalem
Prison of Christ



On the other end of the corridor is a small 18th century church. The Royal Hours on Good Friday are read there.

Church at the Praetorium in Jerusalem
Icon of the imprisonment of Christ


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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