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Cave Hill Cemetery is a historic cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky, dating back to 1848. Several beautiful graves are found throughout the cemetery, and it’s a scenic place to drive through.

Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky
Cave Hill Cemetery


Muhammad Ali

The most famous person buried at Cave Hill is boxing champion Muhammad Ali, who was interred on June 10, 2016. It’s the most visited grave in the cemetery, attracting thousands of visitors a year. A painted green line from the Grinstead Drive entrance leads you directly to the grave.

Muhammad Ali’s grave

The grave is in a large plot personally selected by Ali. There’s a headstone with an unmarked quote attributed to the legendary boxer:

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room in heaven.”

Muhammad Ali’s grave

The grave itself features another quote by Ali, in which he explained how he would like to be remembered:

“He took a few cups of love. He took one tablespoon of patience. One teaspoon of generosity. One pint of kindness. He took one quart of laughter. One pinch of concern. And then, he mixed willingness with happiness. He added lots of faith and he stirred it up well. Then he spread it over the span of a lifetime and he served to each and every person he met.”

Muhammad Ali’s grave


Colonel Sanders

The second most famous person buried in Cave Hill Cemetery is Colonel Harland Sanders (1890-1980), the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. His grave is easy to find as well, but by following the yellow line from the Grinstead Drive entrance.

Colonel Sanders’ grave

The Colonel’s grave features a bust sculpted by his daughter, Margaret. He’s buried with his wife, Claudia.

Colonel Sanders’ grave
Colonel Sanders’ grave


Frito-Lay Magician

A few steps away is Harry Leon Collins (1920-1985), better known as the Frito-Lay Magician. He featured in several commercials for the Frito-Lay company.

Frito-Lay Magician’s grave
Statue of the Frito-Lay Magician
Frito-Lay Magician’s grave


Samantha Ann McDonald

There are many interesting graves to be found in the cemetery, including that of Samantha Ann McDonald, who rode her tricycle into the family swimming pool and drowned in 2006. Her tombstone depicts Jesus smiling and holding a swing for the little girl.

Samantha Ann McDonald’s grave
Jesus on Samantha Ann McDonald’s grave
Statue of Samantha Ann McDonald
Samantha Ann McDonald’s grave


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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