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After visiting Piazza Duomo in the historic city center of Padua, we backtracked to Piazza dei Signori. It’s included in the UNESCO World Heritage listing for Padua’s 14th century fresco cycles.

Piazza dei Signori in Padua, Italy
Piazza dei Signori

Piazza del Signori was developed in the 14th century. Historically, it was the scene of celebrations and tournaments.

Piazza dei Signori in Padua, Italy
Piazza dei Signori


Clock Tower

On the west end of the square is the Clock Tower (Torre dell’Orologio), which was built in 1428. It contains the oldest astronomical clock of its kind in the world. On one side of the tower is the 16th century Palazzo del Capitanio and on the other is the 17th century Palazzo dei Camerlenghi, which are identical buildings.

Torre dell'Orologio in Padua, Italy
Clock Tower
Torre dell'Orologio in Padua, Italy
Clock Tower



In front of the clock tower is a column topped by the Lion of St. Mark. The original was destroyed by Napoleon’s troops in 1797 while the current statue was sculpted in 1870.

Lion of St. Mark in Padua, Italy
Lion of St. Mark


Council Lodge

On the south side of Piazza dei Signori is the Council Lodge (Loggia del Consiglio), also known as the Lodge of the Gran Guardia (Loggia della Gran Guardia). It was built between 1496 and 1553 as the headquarters of the Grand Council. During Austrian rule, it was the headquarters of the military command, or Grand Guardia.

Loggia del Consiglio in Padua, Italy
Council Lodge


Church of San Clemente

Finally, on the east side of the square is the Church of San Clemente (Chiesa di San Clemente), a church dating back to at least 1190.

Chiesa di San Clemente in Padua, Italy
Church of San Clemente


Moving on…

We had a nice lunch on the square before continuing on to the Palazzo della Ragione.


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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