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The Bergamo Cathedral (Cattedrale di Bergamo), also known as the Duomo of Bergamo (Duomo di Bergamo) and the Cathedral of Saint Alexander (Cattedrale di Sant’Alessandro), is the seat of the Bishop of Bergamo.

Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Bergamo Cathedral



The origins of the Bergamo Cathedral date back to 1459 when the first stone was laid. It was originally designed by Filarete and was completed in 1693 by Carlo Fontana. The current look dates back to a renovation completed in 1889.

Furthermore, it was constructed as a cathedral dedicated to Saint Vincent. After an older cathedral dedicated to Saint Alexander was destroyed by the Venetians in 1561 for military purposes, the Bergamo Cathedral changed its dedication from Saint Vincent to Saint Alexander in 1697. The demolished cathedral stood where Porta Sant’Alessandro now stands, near the funicular to San Vigilio.



The façade of the cathedral faces Piazza del Duomo in Upper Town (Città Alta) and was completed in 1889. The entrance is topped with a statue of Saint Alexander by Paolo Sozzi. Medallions depicting Saints Peter and Paul are on the archway below the statue.

Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Bergamo Cathedral
Statues above the entrance at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Statues above the entrance



The interior of the cathedral contains an altar designed by Italian architect Filippo Juvarra. A silver urn contains the remains of Saint Alexander. The wooden choir was carved by Johann Karl Sanz in between 1693 and 1698.

Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Bergamo Cathedral
Altar at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Bergamo Cathedral

The dome was originally completed by Carlo Fontana in 1688, with the current dome dating back to 1855. Frescoes on the dome were painted by Francesco Coghetti.

Dome at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy

There are three chapels on each side of the cathedral, and altars in each transept. In the right transept is the Altar of Saints Firmus, Rusticus, and Proculus, which was built by Filippo Juvara in 1731. In the left transept is the Altar of the Blessed Virgin of Piety (Madonna della Pietà), which was built by Marco Alessandri.

Altar of Saints Firmus, Rusticus, and Proculus at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Altar of Saints Firmus, Rusticus, and Proculus
Altar of the Blessed Virgin of Piety at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Altar of the Blessed Virgin of Piety

In a section to the right of the main altar is a room containing relics of Pope Saint John XXIII (1881-1963). They include a coffin that once held his body. The pope was born in Bergamo as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli and served as pope from 1958 until his death in 1963.

Statue of Pope Saint John XXIII at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Statue of Pope Saint John XXIII
Relics of Pope Saint John XXIII at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Relics of Pope Saint John XXIII
Former coffin of Pope Saint John XXIII at Bergamo Cathedral in Bergamo, Italy
Former coffin of Pope Saint John XXIII



Finally, under the portico of the Palazzo della Ragione is access to the Cathedral Museum and Treasury. The museum and archaeological area contain the remains of a Roman settlement as well as the early Christian cathedral of Saint Vincent. Adult admission is €5 (as of July 2023). It’s open Friday through Sunday from 10am to 7pm. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to visit.


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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