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The “village” of Los Dominicos is located in the Las Condes area of Santiago, Chile. You can get there by taking the red line to the very last metro stop. 


Church of San Vicente Ferrer

First, there’s a historic church, the Church of San Vicente Ferrer (Iglesia de San Vicente Ferrer), more commonly known as the Church of the Dominicans (Iglesia de Los Dominicos). It was built in 1809 and sits on land once owned by Inés de Suárez, a conquistadora who was granted the land in 1544 by her lover, fellow conquistador Pedro de Valdivia. The church played an integral part in Chilean independence because it was a favorite hiding place of Manuel Rodríguez, one of the founders of the independence movement. It was closed for renovation during my visit.

Iglesia de San Vicente Ferrer in Santiago de Chile
Church of San Vicente Ferrer


Los Dominicos Artisan Center

Next to the church is the Los Dominicos Artisan Center (Centro Artesanal Los Dominicos). This market was established in 1980 as a cultural park to sell Chilean handmade crafts and goods. If the Chileans make it, you can find it here – anything from copper to pottery to jewelry to leather.

Entrance to the craft market

The craft market is set up like a small traditional village and contains over 200 stores. There are also a few restaurants serving traditional Chilean cuisine such as empanadas and pastel de choclo. The market is open from 10:30am-7pm and closed on Mondays.

A shop in the craft market
Walking through the market
A path through the craft market


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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