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My first post about Colombian fruits showed 10 different fruits that you might find in Colombian markets. Here are some more for you to try to figure out.

Just about every time I walk through a market in Colombia, I discover a new fruit I’ve never seen before. Of course, there are more common fruits like bananas, apples, grapes, and pineapples, but those are just a few of the over 70 fruits that grow in the country. Some of them are completely unknown outside of Colombia. Discovering new exotic fruits is just one of the things that makes a visit to Colombia so worthwhile.

If you can guess half of the Colombian fruits in this post, you are a true expert. I only knew about four of them when I first came to the country in 2014. As I mentioned, I discover a few new fruits every year, some which I’ve seen only once and others that are only available in certain places.

How many of the following fruits can you name? Have you tried any of them? If so, what did you think? Here are the answers!

Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia


Fruit in Colombia
Fruit in Colombia

Check out this page for some exotic fruits from around the world.


Owner of Paisadventure. World traveler. Chicago sports lover. Living in Colombia.

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